M3 Attendees Summit Mt. Kilimanjaro to Raise Awareness and Funds for Clean Water in Malawi
Mobilizing Medical Missions (M3) would like to congratulate Child Legacy International’s Clean Water Climb Team on their recent trip to Malawi, Africa! They accomplished much during their three weeks there, including a seven day journey to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro. As part of their preparation for the climb, the team raised awareness and over $400,000 to provide clean water to the people of Malawi. Way to go, Clean Water Climb team!! These funds are used exclusively for water well repairs in Malawi, and while they were there, the Clean Water Climb (CWC) team was able to initiate seven water well repairs and complete three of them. Also during their visit, the CWC team toured and completed work projects at Child Legacy International’s compound in Malawi, which includes a community church, a hospital for mother and children care, feeding programs, tilapia ponds and an organic farm, all of which is sustained by renewable energy. Along the way, CWC team members shared Bible stories in the villages of Malawi, and wouldn’t you know that a crowd favorite was the story about the woman at the well.
We at M3 are honored to have played a part in connecting M3 Conference Attendees with wonderful organizations like Child Legacy International and their Clean Water Climb. Beautiful things happen when we say ‘Yes’ to God’s call.
M3 Partners Bring Hope and JOY to Houston and Surrounding Communities
Mobilizing Medical Missions (M3) wants to thank all of our M3 Partners who have come alongside our community to help, support and encourage us. Our hearts are overwhelmed with gratitude. From prayers and encouraging words, to care packages, to entire trucks filled with pallets of supplies, to people, both individually and collectively, coming to help clean-up and rebuild. To each and every one of you, M3 and our community say THANK YOU!
The picture we have included with this post came from one of our M3 Partners, Laura Berry with Blessings International. They are based in Oklahoma and came down to lend a helping hand in the clean-up efforts. Please note the Christmas decoration in the background of the picture that says “JOY.” The house they were helping clean out belonged to an elderly couple, and when they found their Christmas decoration, they insisted that they keep it as a reminder that the Lord was there with them; He did not leave them or forsake them. As Laura shared with us, “I think this picture says so much about hope in Jesus and JOY in the storm.” We agree, Laura.
And that hope and JOY continues to spread all around our great city. As we have shared before, Samaritan’s Purse is here with their Disaster Assistance Relief Team to help Houston and the surrounding communities clean-up and rebuild. Convoy of Hope sent trucks of supplies. Hand of Hope Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions is partnering with several organizations helping with supplies and rebuild efforts. All of our local church partners, like Houston’s First Baptist Church, Woodlands Church, Hope City, and the list goes on, are going above and beyond in helping those who have lost so much and are hurting. We could go on and on about what our M3 Partners are doing to help not only here in the Houston, Texas, area, but also all around the globe with the other natural disasters that have hit; suffice it to say that we believe this is the Church’s finest hour.
To join us in bringing hope and JOY to the people of the Texas Gulf Coast area, please connect with a church or relief organization that you are already affiliated with or click here to sign up to volunteer with the Samaritan’s Purse team.
After the Storm
We all experience storms in life, literally and figuratively. And, everyone handles “storms” differently. This is true for children as well. Lately, many have suffered from horrific natural disasters – hurricanes, floods, wild fires, earthquakes. It is during times like this that we adults can become very busy in dealing with the aftermath of the disaster, that we may overlook the needs of the children who are also dealing with the same event.
It has been beautiful to see the Body of Christ come together from all over the world to link arms in bringing help, healing and wholeness to our communities. As we continue to do this, almost all of us will come in contact with families with children in some way. Walking kids through a traumatic event, like these recent natural disasters, can be very complex and not every adult will know what to do or say. It can feel overwhelming for a parent, teacher, ministry leader, or any adult dealing with children in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Thankfully, there are experts in this field and proven strategies to help navigate these conversations.
A friend in ministry, Back2Back Ministries, put together a short video entitled, “Healing Principles for Working with Children in Trauma.” It is about 18 minutes in length, and discusses research and best practices to working with children who have experienced a traumatic event. It is such a powerful, equipping tool, and we wanted to make this resource available to you to use with your community as well.
Click here for English version.
Click here for Spanish version.
The video ends with a great reminder to all of us – the caregivers, ministry leaders, counselors, family members, and friends – that we need to take the time to care for ourselves as well to rest and be filled up, so we can continue to pour out. The Church has a long road ahead and you are a vital part.
The good news is that the sun always shines after the storm.
Hope for HoUSton
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, there is mass devastation, but there is also HOPE!
There is no doubt that the landscape of Houston has changed. You can’t drive very far without seeing the heartbreak of people’s homes and memories sitting on the curb, but you also can’t drive very far without seeing a smiling face and a helping hand. Turn on any news station, and you will see neighbors helping neighbors, and even more heartwarming, complete strangers helping one another.
First, people came from near and far to help with search and rescue. Now, they are shifting their focus and putting in countless hours cleaning up and helping rebuild Houston and the surrounding Gulf Coast communities. Go into any neighborhood and you will see people from every walk of life rolling up their sleeves and gutting and cleaning out homes, praying with and for one another, and getting up the next day to do it all over again. We are meeting people daily who have shared that they are using their vacation time to help their fellow man. There are really no words, except thank you!
Because of this atmosphere of love and support, you could almost miss the immense magnitude of this storm. We have yet to meet a Houstonian who hasn’t been affected personally in some way. Yes, the road to recovery will be long, but there is HOPE for a much better tomorrow!
We invite you to join us in bringing HOPE to the city of HoUSton and the surrounding communities by signing up to volunteer in the recovery efforts. Click here to register through Samaritan’s Purse.