A Disappointing Day
You may have read that there has been a lot of tribal conflict here in Kenya. Apparently long standing animosity between several of the different tribes has been ignited since the election here a month ago.Last night some of that conflict spilled over into the hospital where we are working. Some hospital employees from one particular tribe were threatened by an anonymous phone call. So today, these precious people and their families were loaded into two trucks and driven out by two Americans to an airstrip about 45 minutes away and flown to safety.
The missionary wives met to pray and I (Jenn) was honored they invited me to join. Not only did we pray for their safe arrival to the airstrip but just for the livelihood of these families, who may never be able to return to their homes.
Please pray for these people who have had to flee their homes, for the friends left behind, the missionaries and the hospital. Pray for an end to the conflict and fighting. Pray for peace to once more return to Kenya.
We are safe and do not feel threatened at this point. We do not plan on traveling outside the compound and have cancelled a trip we had planned to another city, so be assured we are taking precautions and using wisdom. We covet your prayers and will keep you posted to the situation.
~Paul and Jenn
“Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry. The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to blot out their name form the earth. The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.” Psalm 34:14-17
“Keep me safe My God for in You I take refuge.” Psalm 16:1
The Charity Club
Hello America!
Thank you all for posting comments on our last blog update!
Daddy has done so many surgeries with other doctors; it is very exciting seeing him so happy with the work he gets to do. The other day we had the opportunity to go to an orphanage. There were so many kids that had different needs and personalities but all had the same happiness (from Jesus) which was the one thing that made US happy.
I and some other girls at the hospital compound, including Sophie, have started the Charity Club where we collect money from making different things such as ironed beads, cookies, lemonade ect.
We are selling them to all the missionaries and visitors and then taking donations. We are hoping to be able to give the money to a fund that helps the poor with hospital fees or the orphanage we visited. We would love for everyone to give us ideas for this project. So far we have KSH 645 (around $10 in American money- which is A LOT to the Kenyans), which is a great amount for working for only half a day!
Signing out,
Liv & Soph
Unsung heroes on our way to a remote orphanage
Today we (Jenn and the girls) had the opportunity to visit an orphanage 25 minutes from our mission hospital. The drive was an event in and of itself. We drove on any side of the road we needed to, just to avoid the huge potholes and roaming cattle!
The setting is rural; the only road leading to the orphanage is dirt. The countryside is lush and nestled on the side of one of the hills is a few acres where a small group of Kenyan orphans are having their lives changed forever. We saw the happy faces of the children; we played soccer, hoola hoops, catch with tennis balls and a new game the children taught us called “Through the bamboo fields”. After about an hour and a half of playing in the warm sun, the couple who founded and run the orphanage—Elijah and Rachael—invited us into their home for a meal. The home was small and warm, the hospitality incredible and the meal was wonderful—rice, beans and sakumawiki (a green weed that the Kenyans eat like collard greens). At the end of the meal, I asked Elijah and Rachael a simple question, “How is it that you started running an orphanage?” And this is what I was told:
In 1998, after the death of his mom and dad, Elijah’s 8 younger siblings were left alone. He saw how very hard it was to care for his own family and now to be responsible for his orphaned brothers and sisters. He felt God speak to his heart about the compassion that the Father feels for His own orphans in all of Kenya. Elijah felt called to be a missionary to his own country and to follow the command in the Bible to care for the widows and orphans (James 1:27).
So, after discussing it with his wife Rachael, they moved from his city to start an orphanage on his fathers land. He started with nine orphans, his own children and a three room home.
He told of his faith in God to provide through miracle after miracle. Our God, Jehovah, did provide and continues to provide with more than enough for this family. Here are a few of the stories he shared with me during my visit:
For many years there was no running water in Elijah’s home. In the African culture, the women do ALL the chores, like bringing water to the home by carrying it (often long distances) on their head. Men don’t help with this task—it is considered “beneath them” to help. Can you imagine Rachael bringing enough water from a long distance for her own family AND a growing orphanage? This bothered Elijah very much because he knew that this way of thinking was not right and that in God’s eyes Rachael was his equal. He did not dare let anyone other man in his village see him helping Rachael with the water or any other chores for that matter. So, he said he just began to pray.
Elijah shared how one day an American missionary visited and saw the work he was doing there for the orphans and a few months later returned and put in a rainwater tank with all the plumbing. Now Elijah and Rachael have running water in their home. Elijah laughed—“it’s just like our God, now neither of us have to go to the river for water!” Elijah and Rachael are caring for 80 orphans now on their little piece of land. They have a dormitory where the children sleep and a school. They raise all their own crops to feed the children, they have some cows for milk and chickens for eggs. Elijah shared with us that his present prayer request is for more cows and chickens. For now, he has to buy milk to supplement for the children because the cows do not produce the amount he needs for all eighty children and that can be expensive. He wants more chickens because his desire is for every child to have more than one egg a week for their nutrition, he prays for three eggs a week per child. He dreams of having so many chickens that he can sell the eggs for a profit.
A few years ago Rachael started a ministry to the widows in her village. She taught the women to pool their money and purchase a hen, which provides food and income from the eggs. Then with the profits the women buy another hen. Over time 15 widows have been able to buy a hen of their own. These women get together for Bible study and fellowship with Rachel regularly.
Recently the mobs were traveling up and down the road outside the orphanage forcing families from the ‘wrong’ tribe out of town and the remaining to join the mob that was protesting. Elijah told me how for one week during the peek of all the violence he and his wife took all 80 children (who are from many different tribes) into the bush to hide during the day. God protected them and the mob never came onto his land or discovered the children there in the bush.
This family is literally giving their lives away for the cause of our Lord Jesus Christ. It would seem they don’t have much by the worlds’ standard of wealth but I am reminded that one day the last will be first and the first will be last. I am certain that Elijah and Rachael will be at the beginning of the line. They are unsung heroes to me.
Our first week
Our first week is almost over and I honestly can’t believe it. Paul has been working very hard and had his first night On Call in almost 9 years!!! And true to the profession of medicine- he was up almost all night. All the doctors have commented to me on what a blessing it is to have his help. As always I am so proud of him.
We came to give furlough to one particular doctor but we were disappointed for him when he had to change his plans because of the violence and was unable to leave as planned. However, now several of the doctors are going to take some much needed time off with Paul here. One is going to go to language school for a week and two are going to take furlough in country. I can see that God turned the situation (us coming a week later and Dr. Russ changing his plans) around and multiplied our visit.
The girls have fit in wonderfully, making fast friends with the missionary children who are here full time. I can tell how very excited the missionary children are to have guests of their own.
We are home schooling in the mornings as usual (and so are the mission children) but from 1:00 on I barely see the girls. Olivia and Sophia have even come up with having a Bible study once a week while we are here with some younger girls. I could not be more proud of how they are looking for ways to help and minister. Georgia has offered to babysit for some of the missionary families and I was amazed at how such a simple thing was so needed and appreciated. She also has helped out in the nursery.
Jackson, too, has made friends, most of them are Kenyans who help at the hospital or help the other families. He spent most of today helping Peter, a Kenyan gardener, dig up bulbs, rake and dismantle a broken fence. It was precious to see them talking and smiling. I am not certain Peter understood Jackson completely but love truly knows no boundaries. (Don’t you love the pic of Jackson sleeping under the mosquito net!)
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Keep praying, in particular, for the girls. They are having a bit of a hard time getting good rest at night. We are praying with them frequently and since your days are our nights I’d ask you to just pray specifically for that. We know that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood……………………
P.S. The internet has been very challenging here. It is very unreliable so our blogging and photo sending has been slow. We are figuring out the ‘reliable’ times to get on and try to send you more info. Thanks for the feedback- it made me persevere!