2018 M3 Conference Video and Audio Recordings Released!
We are excited to announce that the video and audio recordings from the 2018 M3 Conference have officially been released! Here’s a sneak peek at one of the session videos of International Justice Mission’s (IJM) Founder, Gary Haugen, who launched this year’s conference as Friday night’s plenary keynote speaker.
If you registered to attend the conference, you will receive an email with a link to these recordings. Finally, you can listen to the breakouts you missed and hear your favorite plenary sessions again.
And if you weren’t able to make it this year, follow us on social media and in the following months we will release the 2018 sessions for you to watch too.
Be sure to mark your calendars for the 2019 M3 Conference on February 22-23, 2019! We look forward to seeing you there.
M3 Welcomes Dr. Allan Sawyer to the 2018 Conference
“The need is overwhelming” were the words of Dr. Allan Sawyer as he and his wife carried out their 6 day mission to the Hewa tribe in Papua New Guinea. Dr. Sawyer, an obstetrician and gynecologist, retired from his private practice in Arizona to follow God’s call to devote himself to serve and teach at mission hospitals around the world. His visit to the Hewa tribe all started with him taking the first step outside his comfort zone and stepping into the unknown…
Through their church, Dr. Sawyer met Jonathan and Susan Kopf, missionaries to the Hewa people – a people extremely reliant on the teachings of their ancestors. While much of the world is constantly advancing in medical knowledge, the Hewa people remained unaware and uneducated still following the folklore of their past, just as their parents before them. Because of this, their infant mortality rate was extremely high, threatening their extinction as a people group.
Samaritan’s Purse followed Dr. Sawyer and his team to visit these beautiful people in Papua New Guinea and captured their story on film. We invite you to watch this video and be challenged and inspired on how God uses medicine to bring hurting people healing, not only physically but spiritually as well. When we take that first step to where God is calling us to go, the Healer Himself will show up and do more than we can ask, imagine or think.
M3 is humbled and honored to have Dr. Allan Sawyer join us at the 2018 M3 Conference. We invite you to join us as well on February 23-24, 2018, in Houston, Texas. Take the first step and click here to register to attend the annual M3 Conference. At M3, you can connect with others, be inspired, and find your mission! Use Promo Code: TAKETHEFIRSTSTEP18 to save 25% off your registration. This offer is good through November 30th.
To see what Dr. Sawyer is up to, click here to visit his blog.
Mitch Duininck, MD – Caring for the Victims of Humanitarian Disasters and Military Conflict
Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) face significant challenges to their health and well-being that are unique due to lack of necessary resources including food, water, sanitation, shelter, security, and healthcare. Caring for people in these situations requires an understanding of their unique needs as well as having realistic goals regarding what can and cannot be done for them.
Recent experiences in providing healthcare for the victims of disasters in Nepal, Kurdistan, and Turkey – both natural and manmade – highlight the need to be well prepared when serving in these difficult situations. In this session at the 2017 M3 Conference, Dr. Mitch Duininck, President and CEO of In His Image Family Medicine Residency Program, will discuss team selection and preparation; travel and logistics issues; identifying and addressing the needs of the people being served, including physical, psychological, and spiritual needs; partnering with other relief organizations and local authorities; and returning home successfully.
We are called to serve “the least of these,” and the victims of disasters and crises certainly qualify. Often these events, though causing much hardship and suffering, create the possibility for doors and hearts to be open to the message of Jesus that otherwise would be closed. We must be both willing and well prepared if we are to serve well when we are called to respond to those in need.
Click here to learn more about the work of In His Image Family Medicine Residency Program.
Joël Malm – 3 Creative Ways to Fund Your Passion for Missions
You’ve got a heart to reach the world, but how do you pay for it? Travel is expensive and the needs are so great. In this session at the 2017 M3 Conference, Joël Malm will give practical tips to help you find creative ways to fund the call God has placed on your heart for the world.
Click here to learn more about the work Joël Malm is doing through Summit Leaders.